Trainings for corporates

We Facilitated a Mental Health Awareness training program for a leading US based MNC in healthcare sector: In collaboration with


Santhosh Menon


Harshika Jhaveri

(Counselling Psychologist)

Freddy Pereira

(Founder-Director, FPCTC)

Mental Health and the Workplace: Time for companies to take employees’ well-being seriously:

We live in an era where people belonging to different generations and cultures work under one roof. Globalization and increase in technology usage have brought us closer in many ways, but it has also brought about a shift in the value system we all once grew up with, not just in our professional lives but also in our personal lives.

Some alarming statistics about stress in corporate India make the point:


Every sixth person in India needs mental-health help (Oct 10 is World Mental Health Day)


People reported suffering extreme stress as a consequence of their work. Pressure related to their jobs had caused at-risk individuals to contemplate suicide.


Indian population suffers from a mental health illness, with the treatment gap still remaining at more than 80% across states.


India's contribution to global suicide deaths increased from 25·3% in 1990 to 36·6% in 2016 among women

Understanding and acknowledging these differences, as well as learning to understand what kind of changes you need to be comfortable with and what to do away with can help you in living a happy and productive life in an otherwise dynamic society.

Some of the aspects covered during Corporate based training include:

Mental Health Awareness training programs

Confidence building sessions

Work-Life balance


Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!